Three Week Sprint

I hope that you had a phenomenal Thanksgiving break!

I can't complain about my (unofficially extended) break at all. These past 11 days have been very refreshing for me. Getting out of Winston-Salem to see friends and family in Miami and Virginia was revitalizing, to say the least.  One of the highlights of my trip back home had to be all the free, home-cooked meals I had on Thanksgiving Day. The leftovers were hella clutch too. (Shoutout to my mom and my little sister! 😄) Another highlight was the fact that I wasn't walking into freezing temperatures due to the unusually warm weather that hit Hampton Roads this past weekend. Like, the sun was actually beating down on me for the past few days and I could actually wear a T-shirt and cargo shorts out. Pretty crazy. And oh yeah, I can't forget about my airport experience that further confirmed my belief that taxi drivers are MAJOR a-holes…but that's another story for another day. All in all, between gaining several gratifying pounds in three days and showing no mercy to everyone I crushed in Mortal Kombat and FIFA, my few days at home were pretty relaxing.

But of course, you can't ever be totally relaxed and in medical school at the same time. I was playing catch-up with biochemistry the whole break and every time I thought I was close to finally being 3/4 of the way done, there would be new material to study. Not only that, but I had several assignments to complete, one of which was an essay. Good thing I still have another week to finish that…because that definitely did NOT happen over break. I meant to get that done on the plane to VA, but I only got up to the brainstorming phase of it 😅. Although I'm still playing catch-up with biochem, it's really helpful that I've already studied most of this material back in college. Therefore, I'm not stressing. As a matter of fact, I'm very ready for the all the chaos that these next three weeks are about to bring.

We got four different exams to take before winter break? Shiiii, bring it.

We have about 20 lectures between now and break? Whaaateva.

I'm pretty much going to be studying non-stop until Dec. 18th? STUDYING IS LIFE.

All I needed was some time off out of Winston-Salem with friends and family to get re-energized. And now that I've done that, I'm ready to give 100% everyday until I leave here again for winter break. It's also worth noting that being done with the repetitive and drowning cycle of anatomy has given me new life. SO here I am, a rejuvenated man, ready to take off on this harsh three-week sprint to my next break.

Before I take off though, I have to get back to studying the biochem that I neglected over the break. 😐

So stay blessed and make sure you have a productive week! And happy Cyber Monday shopping! I would have loved to indulge on the deals myself, but you see, the way these student loans (BLOOD MONEY) work…

Also, if you're currently going through the med school application cycle, stay strong and keep on pushing! 

– Black Man, M.D.


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