Quick Talk

Okay, I'm keeping this post short because I lowkey have a busy week coming up that I have to adequately prepare for. Plus I don't really have much to say today. 😅

I just got back from a great (and short) weekend spent with some undergrad fraternity brothers here in NC. Our weekend started in downtown Charlotte and we ended up driving up thru the state as time went by, making pit stops in Pleasant Grove, Burlington and Greensboro before I finally got dropped off today here in the good ol' Dash city (Winston-Salem if you didn't catch on). I probably have said this multiple times but it deserves to be said again; outside of the cities, North Carolina is country as fuhhhhh. Had a lot of fun with them boys tho…it was almost like we were in college again. Except the fact that we were in NC and not Miami. And that it was cold. And that I don't know when I'll see them again…

Schoolwise, we just finished our Population Epidemiology course for the year! It's really not as exciting as I just made it sound but I figured it deserved to be said. However, it does serve as a reminder of how close I am to finishing my first year as a medical student. Crazy, just crazy. We've also been learning about how local anesthetics work, how the brain perceptualizes the environment around us and how it allows us to move on a regular basis. I'm telling you yo, the brain is freakin' incredible. You most likely have no idea how much work goes into every single movement you make. From running a 5K to simply getting out of bed each morning, your brain has a complex series of sequences it goes thru in order to perform the actions you want to perform. And these sequences happen very quickly at all times via the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the brainstem, motor neurons, etc. Sheesh. It's incredible how much we take our bodies for granted on a daily basis. Learning everything I'm learning just continues to appreciate the astounding marvel that is the human body.

Kept it short, just like I promised. Now go on and make your week a phenomenal one!


  In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years!

President Abraham Lincoln

– Black Man, M.D.

P.S: In regards to the test I was annoyed about last week, we actually ended up getting credit for the dropped questions if we answered them correctly after some back and forth with the course director. So I got myself a few more points. 😎 Still got a lower grade than my first Anatomy exam….but by only .10 of a point thooo!

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